Friday, June 25, 2010

Farewell to Ms Jade & Mr Tekoa

Two of our long serving and outstanding staff are leaving at the end of term. The senior school would like to thank Ms Jade & Mr Tekoa for their input, effort and contributions over many years. It is impossible to replace them as everyone brings their unique skills and style to school. Staff and students wish you good luck in your future endeavours and hope to see you somewhere down the track. Here are some photos from Mabo Day & NAIDOC celebrations.

A farewell message from Aunty Mary

Second Term has been very challenging for me. I enjoyed working with the students especially when I have to teach Maths to them. This has made me even closer to everyone of them. I look at the boys as my own as teenagers going through their teens. I can relate to the boys more as they are the same age group as my two boys. It's been fun working with them. I will surely mss them next term. I wish all of them the best in the second semester.
Aunty Mary.

Aunty mary will be working with Ms Peggy in Hospitality next term and we wish her all the best in her new role. Mary has been one of the most reliable, caring and dependable members of the senior school staff. Along with Ms Jade & Mr Tekoa she will be sorely missed.

Taicee wins Art Prize

Congratulations go to Taicee Pearson for winning first prize in the Gab Titui Torres Strait Art Awards in the Senior Secondary Category. Taicee is one of the leading Art students in the school and continues to excel in her field.

My name is Taicee Pearson I’m a 15 year old student studying ATSI art and am working towards my QCE at Djarragun College in Cairns. I'm from Yam Island and this year I have worked on another print in my “Wongai Tree” series (Wonga & Stonefish, 2009). My print is a representation of the feeling of freedom I get when I am at home on Iama island surrounded by the Wongai trees and listening to the birds chatter as they feed on the Wongai fruit.

Science News

Here is one of our year 12 students showing remarkable dedication to completing her work for QCE on the first day of the holidays - Well done Wacarda. Just brilliant!

Here are some of our most studious students getting a feel for an electric motor to make their own. Well done girls!

Here are some students making Trebuchets.


We have had an extremely rewarding semester with term2 having a number of highlights.
1. We had a fantastic trip to Weipa with the students not only gaining valuable hairdressing experience but also bonding and adding a new dimension to the salons atmosphere and team loyalty.
2. We were blown away by our trip to the hair expo in Sydney. there have been two great outcomes from this.
a) Emily and Natalie , who paid for their own trip and expo experience have stepped up and thinking more like hairdressers than school students. They saw hairstyles they never dreamed about and are now wanting to be part of the whole hairdressing scene.
b) Tonya`s experience with the Sassoon team has lead to such a great friendship and support base I am being blown away . Not only was Tonya taken to the fold of a salon team which is part of Sydneys hairdressing elite, but Emiliano has inspired a leading Cairns salon to give her a chance with work experience, and possible paid employment Saturdays.
Emiliano of eSalon is a man with a big heart and a passion to see young people living their dreams in the hairdressing industry. He has taken a huge interest in Tonya, my passion for indigenous hairdressing and the college. The hairdressing department is in for great things and our team is feeling the positive vibes and will be excelling. Watch us bloom!

Thanks to Ms Estelle and all the hairdressing team for an excellent semester.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Maths passes this semester

The following students passed Prevocational Maths this semester.

Fredson Akiba
Patrick Atu
Roselyn Billy
Arthur Dau
Ronjimon Mosby
Taicee Pearson
Louarna Kingi
Aaron Miller
Branxton Dick

Mark Akiba
Andrew Akiba
Delita Aruba
Stella Dau

Well done to all the students and Mr Aisea for his hard work.

A story from Ms Rosemary

I had an interesting day with my Health students this term at TAFE.

We had gathered for some practical tests (role playing) and the students were quite nervous. The lecturer gave each student a scenario and we read it together. She then sent all but one student out of the class, keeping one back for the test. I was the patient and lay in the bed, ready to complain and co-operate. I received such a surprise (and so did the lecturer) when each student boldly took on the story, speaking the words, adding the tone, calming the patient down, doing the actions and controlling the whole situation. They did such a terrific job! I was so proud of them.

The Health students all passed with flying colours and it reassured me of the talent, fun and courage of our students.

Many thanks to Ms Rosemary for all her good work this term - your students have excelled.

QCE Points for English

It has been an excellent semester for 11B and 12 B English Communication classes. Congratulations to the following students for successfully completing the semester and gaining 1 QCE point.

Ali Dau, Carmen Noah, Elisa Mara
Fredson Akiba, James Gaiden, Ronjamin Mosby
Roselyn Billy, Arthur Dau, Ellouse Murgha
Sibra Baragud, Branxton Dick, Jarva Sammons
Kayleen Yeatman, Patrick Atu, Taicee Pearson
Henley Woosup, Aaron Miller, Louarna Kingi

Aileen Murgha, Delita Aruba, Edward Mau
Lena Wosomo, Michael Geas, Mark Akiba
Stella Dau, Zelma Kynuna, Pauletta Yeatman
Zipphora Smith, Andrew Sam

Well done to all the students and Ms Georgie for all the great work this semester!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Music Class highlight of term 2 - 2010

Fredson Akiba, Patricia Tom, Jason Akiba, Jordal Bana and Michael Geas are in the school band. On several occasions the band was required to perform and for one reason or another the whole group was not available. These five students showed incredible courage, reliability and passion by rising to the challenge and taking the stage to perform in a manner they either had not reheased, or were missing others who normally supported them. This shows great self confidence and commitment to the school community. Conquering shame and fear is a massive leap forward and these students have grown substantially as a result.

Well done to the students and to Mr Gracie on some excellent results!

Year 11 and 12 Trade English

Congratulations to all Year 11 and 12 Trade English students. The Trade English group have worked diligently all term and are now halfway through completing the Short Course in Literacy. Successful completion of the Short Course in Literacy contributes one point to gaining a QCE. The focus of the unit is biodiversity, and students have explored the importance of biodiversity in the Wet Tropics World Heritage Rainforest and threats to biodiversity. Students took particular interest in the plight of the Southern Cassowary and Lemuroid Ringtail Possum.

All Year 11 Trade English students have completed their end of term assessment piece. This is an excellent achievement, one that each and every student in Year 11 should be proud of. An extra big effort was made by James and Willy Wosomo who were the first students to complete their assessment. Darryl Dau also made a courageous effort, completing his assessment even though he had missed much of the unit. Most Year 12 Trade English students have completed their assessment, and the standard of work that is being submitted by the Year 12 Trade group is exemplary. Keep up the great work Year 11 and 12 Trade. Have a fantastic holiday and see you next term!

Ms. Amy


Mary David has made a lovely formal dress. She cannot wait to show off in it in the coming shows. Lane Ingui has also made an army daywear overall. Her peers love it. There has been some good work from other students like Junioko, Maluka and Roselyn who are still working their garments.

There has been a lot significant achievement in Clothing Production this term. Some students have demonstrated some high level skills in the use of sewing machines. Top left is Sana Solomon who has made a party dress. She is ready to model it in the coming shows. Top right is April Mosby who has made a cultural costume. She is happy to wear it church.


These young ladies are ready to put up a show for Mr Tekoa’s farewell. The group is mainly comprised of Middle School. Below is Mr Tekoa who could not resist joining the dance. His eyes are filled with tears of joy.

Thanks to the amazing Hula Dance group that in run by Ms Leni. Well done on some fantastic performances this year.

Patrick Atu’s Good Form

Patrick Atu has turned his behavior and attendance around in one term. Having a rocky first term, not sure where he was headed, he went home and thought about his schooling. Returning to his Furnishing class with a complete transformation in behavior, attitude and running a perfect attendance record for the second term. Patrick has completed 3 of his competencies and shows a keen interest in the workshop projects, often coming up with new ideas over night and coming to the workshop early the next morning to discuss and plan the assembly steps. Patrick has completed many projects this term, including a coffee table, a small draw unit, football boot storage box and large cupboards for the school. He has also made several gifts for his family, taking great pride in his work. Patrick is half way to completing his certificate I in Furnishing and asks constantly about his progress and what he has to do to complete this course. It has been good to see this change in Patrick and we look forward to seeing his progress in the future.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Cert III n Health Services Assistance

A super big congratulations to all the students who passed their Cert III in Health Services Assistance. They have completed 16 competencies over the past 16 months. Very well done!

John Gabey 8 points
Annie Mabo 8 points
Elizabeth Gebadi 8 points
Shakira Thaiday 8 points
Ida Sam 8 points

The moral of the story expressed by Ida Sam at assembly was,
"When you start something, don't give up, just keep going until you succeed".

Ms Rosemary & Mr Mathew

Thursday, June 3, 2010

CISSA Sports

D.C. has a number of teams in the semi finals of CISSA Sports. The boys and girls Touch football teams, Volleyball and Basketball are all up for grabs. We wish all teams the best of luck in the run towards the grand finals.

Star students get 8 points towards QCE

Two students have recently completed all 15 competencies for their Certificate lll in Health Services Assistance.
John Gabey (Year 12) and Elizabeth Gebadi (TAVE) have recently completed all the requirements for this course.
They have been studying for 18 months, never giving up, despite the change in TAFE lecturers four times and a weekly lesson at TAFE campus. This gives John and Elizabeth 8 points towards their QCE and a great start out in the workforce. Ms Rosemary commends the effort and commitment the students have shown and congratulate them on a fantastic result - the school is very proud of you!

John: It was worth all the hard work and stress - I am proud of myself and it is one step closer to my goal of becoming a doctor.

Elizabeth: After all the hard work and time at TAFE it is great , 'cause now I get to work at something I really enjoy.'

Well done to Ms Rosemary on guiding her students through the maze and to be able the doors of education and opportunity.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Business News with Mr Mike

One year 12 student, Judith Carney, has completed her Certificate II in Business and one other student, Florence Griven, is only two competencies away from completing her Certificate II in Business which she should achieve by the end of Semester 1.

Three year 11 students, Flora Walit, Jaharlah Hart and Eima Messa are progressing well and will have completed four of the 12 competencies by the end of Semester 1. They are required to complete six competencies in 2010 and the remain six in 2011. At this rate these students should finnish the Certificate II in Business in Semester 1 of 2011.

Three business students, Flora Walit, Florence Griven and Lena Wosomo are off to Canberra on the 20th June to the 25th June 2010 to participate in the Learn Earn Legend - Work Experience with Government. They are representing Djarragun College and their communities. They will be meeting people and other 100 students for across Australia and will be accessing areas in Parliament House and Government Departments that are not usually open to members of the public. We hope that they have an enjoyable and enlightening time in the nations capital.