It has been an excellent semester for 11B and 12 B English Communication classes. Congratulations to the following students for successfully completing the semester and gaining 1 QCE point.
Ali Dau, Carmen Noah, Elisa Mara
Fredson Akiba, James Gaiden, Ronjamin Mosby
Roselyn Billy, Arthur Dau, Ellouse Murgha
Sibra Baragud, Branxton Dick, Jarva Sammons
Kayleen Yeatman, Patrick Atu, Taicee Pearson
Henley Woosup, Aaron Miller, Louarna Kingi
Aileen Murgha, Delita Aruba, Edward Mau
Lena Wosomo, Michael Geas, Mark Akiba
Stella Dau, Zelma Kynuna, Pauletta Yeatman
Zipphora Smith, Andrew Sam
Well done to all the students and Ms Georgie for all the great work this semester!