Thursday, June 24, 2010

A story from Ms Rosemary

I had an interesting day with my Health students this term at TAFE.

We had gathered for some practical tests (role playing) and the students were quite nervous. The lecturer gave each student a scenario and we read it together. She then sent all but one student out of the class, keeping one back for the test. I was the patient and lay in the bed, ready to complain and co-operate. I received such a surprise (and so did the lecturer) when each student boldly took on the story, speaking the words, adding the tone, calming the patient down, doing the actions and controlling the whole situation. They did such a terrific job! I was so proud of them.

The Health students all passed with flying colours and it reassured me of the talent, fun and courage of our students.

Many thanks to Ms Rosemary for all her good work this term - your students have excelled.

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