Friday, June 25, 2010

Taicee wins Art Prize

Congratulations go to Taicee Pearson for winning first prize in the Gab Titui Torres Strait Art Awards in the Senior Secondary Category. Taicee is one of the leading Art students in the school and continues to excel in her field.

My name is Taicee Pearson I’m a 15 year old student studying ATSI art and am working towards my QCE at Djarragun College in Cairns. I'm from Yam Island and this year I have worked on another print in my “Wongai Tree” series (Wonga & Stonefish, 2009). My print is a representation of the feeling of freedom I get when I am at home on Iama island surrounded by the Wongai trees and listening to the birds chatter as they feed on the Wongai fruit.

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