Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Business News with Mr Mike

One year 12 student, Judith Carney, has completed her Certificate II in Business and one other student, Florence Griven, is only two competencies away from completing her Certificate II in Business which she should achieve by the end of Semester 1.

Three year 11 students, Flora Walit, Jaharlah Hart and Eima Messa are progressing well and will have completed four of the 12 competencies by the end of Semester 1. They are required to complete six competencies in 2010 and the remain six in 2011. At this rate these students should finnish the Certificate II in Business in Semester 1 of 2011.

Three business students, Flora Walit, Florence Griven and Lena Wosomo are off to Canberra on the 20th June to the 25th June 2010 to participate in the Learn Earn Legend - Work Experience with Government. They are representing Djarragun College and their communities. They will be meeting people and other 100 students for across Australia and will be accessing areas in Parliament House and Government Departments that are not usually open to members of the public. We hope that they have an enjoyable and enlightening time in the nations capital.

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