Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Year 11 and 12 Trade English

Congratulations to all Year 11 and 12 Trade English students. The Trade English group have worked diligently all term and are now halfway through completing the Short Course in Literacy. Successful completion of the Short Course in Literacy contributes one point to gaining a QCE. The focus of the unit is biodiversity, and students have explored the importance of biodiversity in the Wet Tropics World Heritage Rainforest and threats to biodiversity. Students took particular interest in the plight of the Southern Cassowary and Lemuroid Ringtail Possum.

All Year 11 Trade English students have completed their end of term assessment piece. This is an excellent achievement, one that each and every student in Year 11 should be proud of. An extra big effort was made by James and Willy Wosomo who were the first students to complete their assessment. Darryl Dau also made a courageous effort, completing his assessment even though he had missed much of the unit. Most Year 12 Trade English students have completed their assessment, and the standard of work that is being submitted by the Year 12 Trade group is exemplary. Keep up the great work Year 11 and 12 Trade. Have a fantastic holiday and see you next term!

Ms. Amy

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