Friday, May 14, 2010

Words of encouragement from the recent CEO visit about DC...

Thursday provided us with one of the most amazing experiences of our trip. Remote Housing and Djarrugan Enterprises introduced us to an incredible group of young men. Our photographers went off the scale and Mick came into to his own here with his kind of people!!!

BUT nothing could prepare us for almost 600 kids singing the National Anthem at Djarrugan College. Met by Jean and the school prefects, all dressed in red we were escorted us to the stadium. Tears flowed everywhere then these turned to smiles as we enjoyed dance group after dance group. Leigh summed it up beautifully and left the kids with a great message. The tour of the school just continued to amaze; agriculture, engineering, carpentry, hospitality and hairdressing complimented the academic stream in the school . Jean and the prefects joined us at the Wilderness centre to meet potential Indigenous Navy recruits.

Inspiration,success, hope and opportunity dominated our last day. I can say no more!!!

Thank you all for the contribution you made as individuals and ultimately as a small community of like minded leaders.

Karyn Baylis
Chief Executive
Indigenous Enterprise Partnerships

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