Thursday, May 6, 2010


It's an exciting term ahead for 12B. The students are working hard preparing a Multimedia Presentation about the Challenges and Opportunities senior students have at Djarragun College. They look forward to sharing the finished products with the senior school.

11B students are exploring different types of poems and songs. This week we worked with similes. Below are samples of Simile Poems written by students.

Emu and Shark
The emu runs fast
Like a steam train in a desert place
The shark swims as fast
As a rocket to the moon
The emu’s feet are like GIANT’S hands
Banging on the table in an angry way
The shark slides on the bottom of the floor
Like a snake looking for food

By Carmen Noah

The Butterfly and the Bird
The butterfly is as beautiful
As a rose
The bird is as colourful as
A rainbow
The butterfly’s wings flutter
Like a feather in the wind
The bird looks for food like a hunter in the forest

The butterfly comes out of its cocoon
It looks like a wet tissue in the rain
After its wings dry
It will fly away
Looking for flowers in someone’s

By Kayleen Yeatman

The Turtle and the Kangaroo
The turtle is graceful like
A dancer on the stage
The kangaroo is jumpy like
A jumping spider
The turtle’s shell is hard like concrete under the ground
The kangaroo’s skin is soft like sweet fairy floss

The turtle lives in a warm ocean
It swims like a gliding plane in a bright blue sky
Looking for jellyfish to eat in a quiet place
The turtle is very sleepy like a bear after

by Roselyn Billy

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