Thursday, May 27, 2010

Biodiversity Year 11 & 12 Trade

Julie Dutoit, a Community Education Ranger from the Department of Environment and Resource Management, spoke to Year 11 and 12 Trade English about biodiversity. She sparked a lively discussion about the threats to biodiversity, specifically the threats to the Wet Tropics World Heritage areas. She used local examples such as the Southern Cassowary and the Lemuroid Ringtail Possum to demonstrate that the biodiversity of the Wet Tropics is under threat.

Year 11 and 12 Trade students have embarked on a campaign to protect the Southern Cassowary by becoming involved in a 'Save the Cassowary Campaign'. Students have voiced their concern by writing to Peter Garrett (Minister for Environment, Heritage and the Arts) to help protect Cassowary habitat. For more information, or to become involved, visit

There are many stars in Year 11 and 12 Trade, however special mention must be given to Kenisha and Daniel who always demonstrate a great attitude and complete classwork and homework!

Ms. Amy

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