Friday, May 28, 2010

HOPE By Mark Akiba 12B 201

If hope could be a colour it would be as green as
Mt Walsh’s Pyramid nestling in the sun.

If hope could be a taste it would taste just like
freshly cooked chocolate cake from the DC cafe.

If hope could be a smell it would smell like
the beautiful flowers outside Mr Shankran’s office.

If hope could be a sound it would
pump the whole world with the DC Band.

If hope could be are feeling it would be
like leaving Djarragun College passing Year 12.

If hope could be an animal it would be a
cheetah, like Usain Bolt, Spiriting towards the finishing line.

My hope for this year is to study hard and enjoy every single moment here in Djarragun College, but most importantly complete year 12.

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