Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's SUPERMAN!

Here is super athlete Christopher Lei Baragud in full flight playing touch against St Mary's. Chris has been selected for the Regional Touch team to play against teams from around Australia. Chris also plays Oz Tag and represented FNQ and QLD as well as regular stints in AFL and plays rugby league for the under 18s Cairns Kangaroos. He may well be the superstar of the future!

Chris also likes DJ'ing R&B and pop. He comes from a remote island in the Torres Straits called Yam island (IAMA). He is a sporty type person and never runs out of energy and he loves his job at PVS Workfind formally IPA. He attends Tafe and is in the process of completing Certificate III Business and Administration and attends school in a regular basis.

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