Friday, August 27, 2010

Workshop News

This week 3 year ten students were the first to successfully complete an assessment of one of their competencies in Furnishing. Rodney Gesa, Joseph Geas and new student Latoya Billy all displayed a good standard of work and operated safely while completing their projects.

Although being new to class Latoya has previous experience in wood work and showed this by completing her CD rack, from planning to paint in 1 lesson.
Robert Amber is still eagerly awaiting the interview for his school based apprenticeship and in the lead up to this we are working together to familiarize him with the equipment and tasks he will be involved in on the job. Robert is turning out some good quality projects and is more confident with the workshop equipment.

Andrew Akiba and Daniel Gibuma have also now completed 3 of the 6 competencies and are well underway to obtaining their certificates.
Attendance has been steady with a 5 of the students not missing a single class this term.

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