Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Loreto School Visit

Dear Staff

A huge thank you to all staff who made today such a brilliant success – and it was! Visiting students and staff gave some excellent feedback about the day’s activities and how much they enjoyed it – it was the highlight of their trip and the first time the 147 students had been together.

Special thanks to Vimal for his help & support in setting up the program and running an excellent cultural display this afternoon, Gracie for organizing the sound track, Peggy for morning tea, Shaun for the food for our visitors, all the staff for being willing participants in activities and successfully guiding the visitors around, Ms Francesca and year 10 for making the day a great success for mixing with enough numbers, the 12B class for looking like and acting as professional chaperones throughout the day, Mr David & Teagan for chiming in and finally all the staff who ran activities.

I would also like to thank Ms Michelle in primary for stealing her sports program on the day and last but not least Ms Jean for allowing us to have so much fun.

It is pleasing to see senior school students behaving impeccably and enjoying themselves at the same time. What a high!

Many thanks
Mr Mathew

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