Thursday, April 1, 2010

A story by Andrew Akiba

A Long Time Ago When Humans didn’t Exist…..

A long time ago when humans didn’t exist there was an animal, but this animal was different compared to other animals. It had a long neck like an emu and a body of a horse. This animal lived in a place called ‘Flower Pot’.

One day, as this animal was walking, she found her friend Stella having her morning swim in her favourite swimming hole. It was carved from dried flowers and bananas. That’s how she liked it. Emma with the long neck horse body said, “Can I join you Stella?”

“There is not enough room for you!” Stella replied.

So Emma walked away disappointed that her friend did not let her have a swim.

When Emma got home, she had thought about making her own swimming place and it would be different compared to all the animals in the Flowerpot Kingdom. So she started planning her dream-swimming place.

After forty days and forty nights she finally finished planning and started to build it. Day by day she collected materials from the dump. All the animals in the Flowerpot Kingdom were staring, watching Emma move around making her swimming hole.

After three hundred and fifty days, she finished.

Then all of the animals came to the annual opening and she named it, The Fire Extinguisher.

The End

The students in 11B and 12B are very proud of the effort they put in this term. Below are some comments students wrote about their progress.

"I think I did very well and I have never been so proud of myself. I finished all my work and did everything the teacher handed to me. I can not wait to see my report card. I think when my mum sees it she is going to feel the way I feel now. I feel very proud."

"I think I did great this term, but looking forward to doing even better next term."

Ms G

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