Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Farewell Harry

We say a fond farewell to Mr Harry who leaves D.C. this week after five years in the job. Harry seems to have had a finger in every pie and his job description would take some time to read - a man of many talents indeed. Harry was in charge of OH&S, licensing and getting students through a host of work related programs like Chainsawing which he is completing this week. Harry moves into another OH&S position with Cape York Enterprises on Monday and we wish him all the best.

Harry picked up the staff shield for the senior school staff member of the week and it's pleasing to see him collect overdue recognition and thanks for his good work in the school. They don't make Harry's like they used to.

Good luck in the future and we hope to see you again somewhere down the track. All we have to do is check Harry's bag to make sure he doesn't take the shield with him or we'll just have to make another one and find another Harry to go with it!

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