Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Staff Stars for the term

There have been many staff members who have contributed to the school this term and been the holder of the Staff Shield for excellence. Miss Peggy was the initial recipient and the shield has since been passed onto Miss Estelle, Mr Aaron, Mr Warren, Mr Tony, Mr Reece and Mr Rob McBride. Mr Rob was the person who originally made the shield and when he received the award said with tongue-in-cheek, "I wondered when I'd get this back". Well done to all the members of Senior School Staff this term who have worked so hard in helping students complete their work towards their QCE and VET certificates.

A special thanks you to those behind the scenes like Miss Leanne who takes care of the Admin and Mr Adam and Mirko from the IT staff who keep us going. I would also like to thank Miss Amy for always helping out, Mr Warren for his excellent work on Truancy earlier this term and all the form teachers Mr Aisea, Miss Emma & Miss Manjit for their good work to date.

Now it's back to Mr Rob to chose the next worthy recipient and we can't wait to see who is next...

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