Wednesday, March 24, 2010

12B English Communication

In Yr 12 students are studying the text "Dougy" by james Moloney. Below are comments students made about the book:

The text "Dougy" by James Moloney is a book about how young people's lives can become very complicated in a short amount of time. It deals with lifelike situations that are faced or have been experienced by young indegenous people. Rascism destroyed people's lives and many friendsips or relationships within the town."

"In the text "Dougy", James Moloney captures the readers' attention because of the issues faced by the characters along the way. Dougy and his family struggle for everyday survival. Issues like racial conflict and discrimination are explored through the rough and sometimes fun journey of the characters. The real situations in this novel make it exciting for young indigenous people to read. "Dougy" clearly shows how things in life can get out of hand fast and then spiral out of control and become messed up."
The students have worked hard learning to write analytical text essays. All students who attended classes regularly successfully completed term one. Well done!

Ms G

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