Wednesday, March 24, 2010

11B English Communication

This term students have been busy searching for jobs, writing applications and preparing for Mock Job Interviews. We looked at how employers rate potential employees at an interview. We were all surprised to learn that our attitude counted for 40% of our success rate, despite qualifications. The students learnt about non verbal behaviours such as shaking hands with an interviewer before and after an interview and maintaining good posture and eye contact. The class discussed verbal behaviours such as listening to questions, greeting interviewers by name, asking questions, speaking in a polite manner and staying calm. Students rehearsed their interview with a partner taking turns to ask questions and respond. Some of the questions students had to respond to were: "Tell us a little bit about yourself" "Why would you like to work here?" What would you like to be doing five years from now?" "Do you prefer to work in a team or by yourself?" It was wonderful to see students listen and respond to questions in a mature and responsible manner. All students who attended classes regularly successfully completed term one. This is a great effort!

Ms G

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