Thursday, November 4, 2010

To be or not to be

Miss Emma & Mr Richard our two resident thespians arranged for the senior school to go to the Tanks Art Centre to see the Shakespearian play Measure to Measure on Thursday. While a group of students remained behind to complete assessment tasks the majority of senior school went to the play. Most of the students understood the play and knew what was happening despite ‘old fashioned language’ and were witness to indigenous actors in major roles along with DC staff.

It was interesting to note students like Chris Lei who had never been to a Shakespearian play, laughing, enjoying and understanding a unique cultural aspect that furthers their personal growth and development. At the end of the play a woman from the audience gave a heartfelt thank you to the students just for being there and the Director said it was the best audience they had encountered to date which was due to the level of interaction and response. Warren, the indigenous actor who played Angelo kept scaring Judith Carney and she almost leapt out of her seat on several occasions. The question on the day wasn’t to be or not to be - it simply was.

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