Thursday, February 18, 2010


Leadership: A large group of students have nominated for student leadership and have began presenting themselves at assembly. Miss Jade and Mr. Warren have got the ball rolling and want to see a school council elected before the end of term so there will be more speeches at senior school assembly and whole school assemblies where time permits. The structure by consensus is that there will be a Head boy & girl, a deputy Head boy & girl and four other councillors who have an equal vote at meetings ie. 8 in total. There will also be boarding captains which are currently being finalised. The people who have nominated in Year 12 are Ida, Wacarda, Lane, Kemeru, John, Mark, (Delita, Stella & Laura for Boarding). Year 11 – Culleah, Camille, Dennah, Flora, Ali D, Tim China, Craig & Chris Lei and There are still nominations being accepted.

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