Friday, February 26, 2010

Responsible and mature behaviour

Many senior school students are showing responsible and mature behaviour. Their behaviour in public and in the school is setting a great example. Lene Ingui and Ida Sam are to be congratulated for helping stop tense situations from boiling over.
They are part of the school leadership team and are indeed leading by example. Keep up the excellent work.


Senior school sport is going gangbusters. This week DC travelled to Smithfield and had some excellent results.
The girls touch team won 18-0, the boys won 19-1, the girls soccer won 2-0 and the boys drew 1-1. There was a 2 sets win to the volleyballers and the netball team played and exciting and committed game - they are improving every week.
Some of the stars in sport were Yoshi, Meo, Mary, Nikki, Louisa, Frank Amini, Ali Dau, Jordal Bana, Charlie David, Craig Waldon and Brian Fourmile who scored a great goal. Well done teams! The rugby games are on Monday and hope they will continue in their winning ways.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Stars of the future

Creative Stars of the Week: Elisa, Patricia and Nikki (pictured below in hip-hop pose). These three girls will be the next Destiny’s Child. No, better than that, much better than that. How dare I compare our three little mega stars to a band so boring. Anyway they’ll be on stage Friday for a hip-hop presentation (if you are flexible in your definition of hip-hop). Hopefully the week after this they may even haul the rest of the junior band on stage for some real live music.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Leadership in action

Major theme and goal for 2010: The major theme for Senior School is changing the psyche of the senior students to act and behave in more adult like manner. This means students are being treated as young adults and are expected to behave as such. Some of the issues that have been raised to date are breaking the cycle of stealing within the school, treating each other with respect and showing appropriate leadership as demonstrated by Mark Akiba in handling behaviour on the school bus.

Successfully stepping up

Mantras: The senior school has developed mantras for both year 11 and 12 this year with the staff who are following these up on a daily basis. The year 11 mantra is “Success” and building success from basic things like regular attendance at school, going to every class and completing all tasks in class. The year 12 mantra is “Stepping Up” and is being re-iterated and confirmed when the year 12 students step up and show the appropriate kind of leadership as was demonstrated by the year 12 Trade class last week while waiting patiently for their class and not disturbing others in the process. In a nutshell the senior school is setting a platform for each year to show what they are capable of.

Get your QCE here

Homework & QCE’s: Official homework began on Monday 15 February for boarders and day students, all staff are contributing worksheets for their class that relate to what they are teaching in class to make sure the material relevant which is a pleasing start. This is in addition to promoting and making students aware of the points required to gain a QCE.

Who stole my class?

Timetables, classes and VET choices: Students are aware of the latest timetables, classes and VET choices that have been placed on the notice boards. The students are reading the boards with improved accuracy and demonstrating responsible behaviour like James Wosomo did last week. He was the only person in his class who knew where to go.


Leadership: A large group of students have nominated for student leadership and have began presenting themselves at assembly. Miss Jade and Mr. Warren have got the ball rolling and want to see a school council elected before the end of term so there will be more speeches at senior school assembly and whole school assemblies where time permits. The structure by consensus is that there will be a Head boy & girl, a deputy Head boy & girl and four other councillors who have an equal vote at meetings ie. 8 in total. There will also be boarding captains which are currently being finalised. The people who have nominated in Year 12 are Ida, Wacarda, Lane, Kemeru, John, Mark, (Delita, Stella & Laura for Boarding). Year 11 – Culleah, Camille, Dennah, Flora, Ali D, Tim China, Craig & Chris Lei and There are still nominations being accepted.


Welcome to the DC Senior School blog. This is a site where you can find out the latest information about what is happening in Senior School at Djarragun College. This is a great place to keep up to date with all the latest news and events.
